Introduction of the customer evaluation index

Introduction of the evaluation system to aim for the improvement of final product characteristics
Okabe Mica as a material supplier
Okabe Mica
New product with perfect characteristics!
We are sure that customers are satisfied with our product. -
Customer, a manufacturer
Processing delivered mica products
Despite the fact that the properties of the new product have definitely improved, the effect does not appear in the final product… Why is this the case even after material improvement?
Okabe Mica aimed for better final product characteristics
Okabe Mica
Something must be changed! We have to implement fundamental changes to produce excellent mica products…
Establishment of a valid material evaluation system that can correlate with the characteristics of the final product
Introduction of a new evaluation system and appropriation of the time to produce prototypes for effective utilization of the system
Technological innovation utilizing external networks
To control quality variation in samples for evaluation, mechanization and equipment automation were implemented.
We have a proven record of self-developed equipment to pursue valid results. -
Creating a scheme to smoothly operate a quality improvement system including (1) and (2)
Customer, a manufacturer
Okabe Mica developed products aiming for products that show superior characteristics even after installing them in our final products.